2 answers
How many high school and middle school teachers are hired per year in Ohio?
High School Senior #teaching #high-school #teacher #education
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2 answers
Hassan’s Answer
This site https://www.teachercertificationdegrees.com/certification/ohio/ has some interesting data and how to become a teacher in OH. They estimate that 2,330 average annual job openings for middle school teachers, and 3,840 average annual for High School.
Monica’s Answer
The is a great question! During these times it would very hard to come up with an exact question as COVID numbers increase and students are in -person in some cases. I would suggest going online to the website to get an overall estimate for an idea. Also, keep in mind, that all over the US there are a number of teachers leaving the field more is than in previous years. Although the numbers say one thing, teaching is always rewarding and I wouldn’t trade for anything.
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