What are good colleges to receive a nursing degree in 4-5 years?
I am asking this because I am currently a junior in high school researching nursing colleges. Since there a lot of colleges out there, I want to narrow down my options. #college-major #college-admissions
2 answers
Lauren’s Answer

Jennifer Grawey
Jennifer’s Answer
Nursing is a very noble profession and anything in the medical field is highly sought after right now. I would encourage you to speak with your high school guidance counselor and let her know what your interests are. They should be able to guide you to some schools that fit your interest levels. There are lots of schools that offer nursing programs, however it is all contingent upon location. Do you want to go to a local school, or travel? Do you want to get an Associates degree in Nursing or are your looking at getting a Bachelors degree? There are also local certification classes you can take to start the process which will likely be required as you enter a Nursing School; you can take a CPR class through the Red Cross or your can obtain your CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) certification which will start you on your way. Good luck in your search!