7 answers
Where is the best university of medicine in the world 🌎
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7 answers
Garrett’s Answer
Whichever one you go to because ultimately it doesn't matter once you're out in practice
Jinhua’s Answer
Hi, Chahd,
I bet you mean the best med school. Prefer Harvard Medical School is the best one in the world!
I bet you mean the best med school. Prefer Harvard Medical School is the best one in the world!
Raegan’s Answer
According to the rankings, Harvard is number one for many specialities in medicine. Many medical schools are ranked by specialty, so a top school for sports medicine may not be a top school for orthopedic surgery. It also depends on what you consider to be a top school. I personally believe Yale is one of the best medical schools because they care about their students and structure their curriculum for you to learn rather than memorize. University of Florida is also a school I consider to be a top medical school because they are nationally ranked high and they value letter of recommendations.
Shannon’s Answer
Harvard and Johns Hopkins are regarded as the best in the USA for sure, and many would say in the world. However as Fred said, there are many many factors to consider. Both are wickedly expensive and wickedly selective. many people go on to be world-famous doctors but they couldn't get into these schools. other factors to consider include the chance to learn from a particular professor/doctor whom you admire. another is the kind of medicine you want to do - another school might have the best orthopedic program, for example. when i interviewed, i picked the school with professors who really wanted all of the students to succeed.
a quick google search will provide you with a bazillion articles about how to make this choice. read the ones written by doctors from the mayo clinic, harvard, johns hopkins, yale etc. as well as those who went to non-famous schools and those who don't even mention their school. also, if you haven't done this, try to ask as many questions as possible of every doctor you come across. do some informational interviews (google that). see if a school near you has a 'doctor for a day' program that puts you in front of doctors eager to help you. and get used to doing research like this because you're fully in charge of how much you learn. doctors will be glad to teach you if you demonstrate how badly you want to learn. for example read medical journals, and find questions in there to ask about. doing that kind of homework ahead of asking is impressive to professors.
a quick google search will provide you with a bazillion articles about how to make this choice. read the ones written by doctors from the mayo clinic, harvard, johns hopkins, yale etc. as well as those who went to non-famous schools and those who don't even mention their school. also, if you haven't done this, try to ask as many questions as possible of every doctor you come across. do some informational interviews (google that). see if a school near you has a 'doctor for a day' program that puts you in front of doctors eager to help you. and get used to doing research like this because you're fully in charge of how much you learn. doctors will be glad to teach you if you demonstrate how badly you want to learn. for example read medical journals, and find questions in there to ask about. doing that kind of homework ahead of asking is impressive to professors.
Fred’s Answer
I don't think there is an answer to this question. What is "best" for one person may not be best for another. Many factors need to be considered, including but not limited to:
What field of medicine you want to go into
probably many more
What field of medicine you want to go into
probably many more

Sabha Rabaya
University lecturer and medical laboratory scientist
Jerusalem, Jerusalem District, Israel
Sabha’s Answer
In my opinion, being a successful medical doctor depends more on a person's effort and hard work than just the university ranking.
In my opinion, being a successful medical doctor depends more on a person's effort and hard work than just the university ranking.
Rahul’s Answer
The onus of your Education as a Student lies with you (and not with the University that you may be associated with). Remember that you have to navigate your own construct and make your way in this world. Would advise you to avoid a paint-by-numbers counterproductive narrative in exchange for the freedom of your own choice.