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jackie’s Avatar
jackie Sep 07, 2022 749 views

I am unsure of what I want my future career to be but I know that I want to be in the medical/health field. What degree/courses should I take in uni?

I am scared that I won't get anywhere in life because I'm very indecisive. My first choice was to do nursing but I didn't want to waste my money and time when later on I decide to quit. so I want to find a degree that allows me to have more options in career choices. and just a background story...

Maris’s Avatar
Maris Sep 07, 2022 593 views

What kind of classes do you need to take to become a Physical Therapist?

I want to become a Physical Therapist and I want to learn more about it

Tan’s Avatar
Tan Aug 28, 2022 708 views

What major should I choose?

I am currently taking a bachelors degree in BS in Physical therapy. What would be the best major to take or like the most common in hirings? Is it paediatrics or geriatrics or something else?

Lailyn’s Avatar
Lailyn Aug 31, 2022 496 views

What are different job options for a student wanting to be a pathologist?

Im in job corps and wanted to know what to expect after I obtain my one of my many goals of becoming a pathologist?

Trang’s Avatar
Trang Aug 23, 2022 490 views

Is kennel attendant related to Biology Major?


I graduated within Biology major and now im looking for job that related to my major. I wonder if Kennel Attendant is related to Biology major if I want to pursue high education in Master's or Veteranian school?

Yash’s Avatar
Yash Aug 19, 2020 684 views

What advice can you give a teenager to stay focused on his goals despite of the many distractions that life has to offer?

#focus #therapy #childpsychology #social-psychology

haylee’s Avatar
haylee Oct 26, 2020 391 views

how do people come doctors ?

#doctor are they easy to be are they hard to work all day

Neiko’s Avatar
Neiko Apr 14, 2021 396 views

How many school years did it take for you to become an NP?

I am currently a high school student and unsure about the steps to take before you actually become a Nurse Practitioner. #medical #school

Hershey Marie’s Avatar
Hershey Marie Aug 16, 2022 541 views

Confuse on what course to take

I don't know what's the best course to take, kindly give me some guidance. I'm interested in medicine but my parents are not well off.

Chahd’s Avatar
Chahd Aug 07, 2022 543 views


Where is the best university of medicine in the world 🌎

Genevieve’s Avatar
Genevieve Aug 16, 2022 651 views

Creative Writing Certificates

Are there any creative writing certificate programs for those who are not pursing a degree in writing? Are there any from an accredited university/college? Are there any certificate programs that are online?

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina May 25, 2018 928 views

Is forensic science hard to pursue ?

#career #major #forensics #forensic-science #career-path

Megan’s Avatar
Megan May 16, 2018 806 views

Has anyone studies the field of forensics?

I'm debating a career in forensics, investigation. Would like details about the career and education leading up to it. #forensics #forensic-science #science #career

Glendon’s Avatar
Glendon Aug 11, 2018 612 views

What's ways can I find a passion in a career of occupational therapy?

I'm starting my freshman year of college on August 27. I am 18 years old, and attending Prairie View A&M University. Over the summer I participated in a program at Prairie View, where I earned 6 college credits before the start of the fall semester. I want to make the most out of my first...

Alexas’s Avatar
Alexas Oct 10, 2018 1041 views

How do I job shadow a Therapist if there are the privacy things?

So my teacher sent out an assignment where we all have to job shaddow the career that we scored highest on in this group of surveys; I scored highest in Art Therapy, Music Therapy, and Psycology. I can't job shaddow any of those (that I know of) because of the deal that the therapist makes,...