1 answer
Im looking for a mentor for my senior project?
I'm wanting to become a nurse. i need a mentor to ask questions I have and to complete2-3 hours of job shadowing. #nurse #seniorproject
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Linda Hassan’s Answer
Hello David, the nursing field certainly needs more male nurses! I am so glad to hear you are considering nursing a a career path. One idea I have for you to consider is to call up your local hospital and ask to speak to the nurse educator/trainer. Explore the options for job shadowing at the hospital and select a hospital unit in a field of nursing that interests you. Male nurses often end up in leadership roles and in specialties like intensive care, emergency and operating room nursing. I encourage you to explore these areas while deciding where to job shadow. Another idea to consider is posting on Facebook, if you are comfortable with posting, to find new connections to the nursing profession (a parent or friend of a friend). Then you can personally message the nurse and inquire if they are open to a job shadowing experience. Developing a personal network and connection will be invaluable as you launch your career in nursing. It is the beginning of networking for your future. Please reach out if you need more guidance. Best of luck to you David!!