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Hi! Can someone proofread this essay? It's for a scholarship.

How AI Technologies Will Affect The Future Of Education
Over the years, technology has advanced to great lengths creating many changes to human society and the way of the world. One of the biggest advancements has been Artificial Intelligence technologies. This has led to many questions about the future of society around the development of these technologies. One of the main questions is the effect of the future of education. Some people claim that Artificial Intelligence technologies will negatively impact the future of education because of job losses and the errors of AI. This is not the case. AI technologies have positively impacted education by creating new ways for students to learn and progress more efficiently in school.
Artificial Intelligence technologies have helped many students succeed in schoolwork. For example, AI technologies can help with personalized learning. According to Science Writer & Communicator Tejasri Gururaj, “One of the strengths of AI is that it is capable of analyzing large amounts of data quickly and finding patterns, making it a perfect tool for developing personalized learning." If a student is better at visually learning things using notes, a student who is better at learning with audio would have a disadvantage. Most times, teachers can’t use all the different learning styles in a lesson because of time. So if students can use AI technologies, they can ask questions based on how they learn and still receive the help they need. AI technologies can also help with doing certain repetitive tasks like answering frequent questions for students time-efficiently. At Staffordshire University, they have created a digital AI bot that can “provide personalized and responsive information on student timetables, enable contact with personal tutors and provide answers to 400 frequently asked questions covering campus facilities and support services as well as other day to day services.” With this technology, students can answer any questions they have without having to use the time to ask a teacher or faculty. They can just ask the question on their phone and receive the answer in a matter of seconds. Personalized learning and efficient AI apps with colleges can help students succeed in classwork which will eventually help them succeed in their education as well.
Teachers can also use Artificial Intelligent technologies to further assist their students in classes. One way they can do this is teachers can use AI technologies to help learn about themselves and receive feedback about their instructional teaching. Adam Geller explains in his article Three Ways AI Can Help Teachers Save about how AI technologies benefit instructional teaching “Teachers have an interactive conversation with a computerized coach, who asks probing, open-ended questions and offers personalized tips for improvement.” Using this AI, teachers are finding ways to improve their teaching performances and help students learn. Another way Artificial Intelligent technologies help teachers improve is by having the AI grade papers for them. Teachers spend a lot of time grading papers and essays for a large number of students. However, AI can learn to replicate the way a paper is graded and do it themselves. Director of Marketing at CopyLeaks Anmol Kumar talks about the benefits of AI automatic grading. He states that “The process of automatic grading doesn't only save precious time but also provides dependable results. Bulk grading of assignments within a short span is possible due to the AI grading of papers. Moreover, the scores are always accurate for each human being.” The AI technologies can grade the papers for the teachers, giving them time to work on other important items like helping students individually and more time to create new lesson plans.
With many benefits to having Artificial Intelligent technologies, some people claim that having these in education is harmful instead. In the article AI’S NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE IMPACT ON EDUCATION INDUSTRY, they talk about the positives and negatives of AI technologies in education. One of the challenges that are brought up is emotional-learning limitations within AI technologies. Even though Artificial Intelligent technologies are good at data analytical work, computers don’t have the skills to help with students' emotions and feelings to help them mentally. The article states “While AI technology has its merits, it should only partially replace teachers, as they offer more than just information. AI is still in its early stages of development regarding human interaction and personal connections, making it essential to maintain the invaluable role of human educators in the learning process.” However, this doesn’t debunk the many other benefits of AI technologies and there is an easy way to resolve this.
AI technologies can still be used but only with certain aspects of education. While the technologies can work with creating lesson plans, modifying feedback, creating personalized learning, and any other data-based work. Teachers can fill in the emotional-learning part of students' lives that they need as a human. Not only will this help resolve the issue of balancing physical and emotional learning, but this will resolve another concerning issue with AI technologies in education. Another concern for AI technologies was the impact of teachers' demand and job losses. In the blog How AI Will Displace Teachers: What We Can Expect in the Future from 21K School, they talk about the impact teachers will face with AI technologies in classrooms. In a certain section, the blog states “AI is likely to lead to job loss in the teaching profession, as administrative and grading tasks become automated.” While the administrative tasks will lead to job losses, this will also open up opportunities for teachers who have skills working with Artificial Intelligent technologies. They can teach the students to use these technologies responsibly, while giving students the emotional learning AI technologies can’t give.
AI technologies are expanding and advancing throughout everyday life as we know it. They are affecting the future of our education all the time with many positives and negatives. However, if people know how to use these technologies, it will help students succeed in class and life. With the right balance of technology and teacher, education will be seen like never before.

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Twinkal’s Answer

Hello Bryanna, Here's the essay after proofreading-

Over the years, technology has advanced to great lengths, creating many changes to human society and the way the world works. One of the biggest advancements has been in artificial intelligence technologies. This has led to many questions about the future of society with the development of these technologies. One of the main questions is what the future of education holds. Some people claim that artificial intelligence technologies will negatively impact the future of education because of job losses and the errors of AI. This is not the case. AI technologies have positively impacted education by creating new ways for students to learn and progress more efficiently in school.
Artificial intelligence technologies have helped many students succeed in schoolwork. For example, AI technologies can help with personalized learning. According to science writer and communicator Tejasri Gururaj, "One of the strengths of AI is that it is capable of analyzing large amounts of data quickly and finding patterns, making it a perfect tool for developing personalized learning." If a student is better at visually learning things using notes, a student who is better at learning with audio would have a disadvantage. Most times, teachers can’t use all the different learning styles in a lesson because of time. So if students can use AI technologies, they can ask questions based on how they learn and still receive the help they need. AI technologies can also help with doing certain repetitive tasks, like answering frequent questions for students, more efficiently. At Staffordshire University, they have created a digital AI bot that can "provide personalized and responsive information on student timetables, enable contact with personal tutors, and provide answers to 400 frequently asked questions covering campus facilities and support services as well as other day-to-day services." With this technology, students can answer any questions they have without having to take the time to ask a teacher or faculty member. They can just ask the question on their phone and receive the answer in a matter of seconds. Personalized learning and efficient AI apps with colleges can help students succeed in classwork, which will eventually help them succeed in their education as well.
Teachers can also use artificial intelligence technologies to further assist their students in class. One way they can do this is by using AI technologies to learn about themselves and receive feedback about their instructional teaching. Adam Geller explains in his article, Three Ways AI Can Help Teachers Save, how AI technologies benefit instructional teaching. "Teachers have an interactive conversation with a computerized coach, who asks probing, open-ended questions and offers personalized tips for improvement." Using this AI, teachers are finding ways to improve their teaching performances and help students learn. Another way artificially intelligent technologies help teachers improve is by having the AI grade papers for them. Teachers spend a lot of time grading papers and essays for a large number of students. However, AI can learn to replicate the way a paper is graded and do it themselves. Director of Marketing at CopyLeaks, Anmol Kumar, talks about the benefits of AI-automated grading. He states that "the process of automatic grading doesn't only save precious time but also provides dependable results. Bulk grading of assignments within a short span is possible due to the AI grading of papers. Moreover, the scores are always accurate for each human being." The AI technologies can grade the papers for the teachers, giving them time to work on other important items like helping students individually and more time to create new lesson plans.
With many benefits to having artificially intelligent technologies, some people claim that having these in education is harmful instead. In the article AI’S NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE IMPACT ON THE EDUCATION INDUSTRY, they talk about the positives and negatives of AI technologies in education. One of the challenges that are brought up is the emotional-learning limitations within AI technologies. Even though artificially intelligent technologies are good at data analysis work, computers don’t have the skills to deal with students' emotions and feelings and help them mentally. The article states, "While AI technology has its merits, it should only partially replace teachers, as they offer more than just information. AI is still in its early stages of development regarding human interaction and personal connections, making it essential to maintain the invaluable role of human educators in the learning process." However, this doesn’t debunk the many other benefits of AI technologies, and there is an easy way to resolve this.
AI technologies can still be used, but only in certain aspects of education. While the technologies can work with creating lesson plans, modifying feedback, creating personalized learning, and any other data-based work, Teachers can fill in the emotional-learning part of students' lives that they need as humans. Not only will this help resolve the issue of balancing physical and emotional learning, but it will also resolve another concerning issue with AI technologies in education. Another concern for AI technologies was the impact of teacher demand and job losses. In the blog How AI Will Displace Teachers: What We Can Expect in the Future from 21K School, they talk about the impact teachers will face with AI technologies in classrooms. In a certain section, the blog states, "AI is likely to lead to job loss in the teaching profession as administrative and grading tasks become automated." While the administrative tasks will lead to job losses, this will also open up opportunities for teachers who have skills working with artificial intelligence technologies. They can teach the students to use these technologies responsibly while giving them the emotional learning that AI technologies can’t give.
AI technologies are expanding and advancing throughout everyday life as we know it. They are affecting the future of our education all the time, with many positives and negatives. However, if people know how to use these technologies, it will help students succeed in class and in life. With the right balance of technology and teachers, education will be seen like never before.

Twinkal recommends the following next steps:

I would suggest break it into more paragraphs to enhance it's readability. Have a good day.
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Michelle’s Answer

Hi, Bryanna !

Gee, this is good ! Spelling is fine, sentence structure, good, content very good ! A persuasive essay laying out two points of view !

The first correction I would make is to change this to how I have marked it - Adam Geller explains in his article, "Three Ways AI Can Help Teachers Save . . " Quotes for the article title and comma after the word article.

Put a period after the word teaching : about how AI technologies benefit instructional teaching. “Teachers have an interactive conversation with a

Director of Marketing at CopyLeaks Anmol Kumar - comma needed after Kumar

education is harmful instead. In the article AI’S NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE IMPACT ON EDUCATION - comma after article and change title all to lower case

If you write teachers it is plural but something belonging to the teacher you can write it as the teachers', but from what I read it seems like you're referring to teachers and students as plural. If it is possessive, put the word 'the' in front of it and use the apostrophe.

There are no paragraphs but that's probably because this website displays copy and paste that way. Remember to paragraph each time you change a thought. It is very good and I have to admit I learned something from the content of this ! But don't rely on just this - have some people proof it on a hard copy piece of paper . Best wishes to you !

No hyphen between the words 'emotional and learning' , hyphen not needed

"Don't have the skills to help with students' - no apostrophe needed because students is a plural form. You can say the students' or no the and plain students as a plural.
Thank you comment icon This was super helpful, thank you! Bryanna
Thank you comment icon You are very welcome, Bryanna. I was happy to help ! Michelle M.
Thank you comment icon A couple of quick modifications to Michelle's edits: No comma after "article" if in fact the author has more than one article, since the info that follows is needed/restrictive. If this is the author's sole article, then the info that follows (the title of the article) is nonrestrictive--that is, it isn't needed to identify which article. Same comment every time "article" appears followed by the title. Remember that when proofing, one also needs to establish what style should be used--Associate Press? Chicago? APA? Other? Good luck! Nancee Adams