i want to create my own gaming company
how do i do this?
what team mates do i need for this to work?
3 answers

Jennifer Galvin ☁ Queen of Apps ☁
Jennifer’s Answer
Why not attend a local meetup on the subject? https://www.meetup.com/MontrealUnityGames/?_cookie-check=P0x-0_Ns5GgFYyyd
I would also plan to attend MAGFest in Washington DC. It's 4 days of non-stop activities and indie studios feature games there.
Jennifer recommends the following next steps:
Stephen’s Answer
When looking at software and technology startups (including gaming companies) it is about the idea and the ability to execute the vision that you have. Accounting, Finance, and Management are very helpful to understand - and will be needed at some point, so teaming with people that bring additional disciplines to the table can be a key to success. However; often the difference between success and failure is how quickly you can get to market with a unique and compelling idea. As stated above, drive, and the ability to be self motivated and strongly believe in yourself and your idea is often the most important ingredient to success.
Andrew’s Answer
I would start by working / volunteering / interning at a local gaming company. Fill in around the office, shadow employees working in different areas of the business, and pick up the slack in whatever areas the company needs support. Use this time to get hands-on experience in the day to day of the business, and see how different teams interact to make the business run. This will give you a sense of what teammates you need to hire, and processes you'll need in place, that otherwise may not have been apparent.
Andrew recommends the following next steps: