What type of studies can I minor in or clubs to participate in so that I can be prepared to create a body of music such as an album?
I want to major in marketing but I also love music and playing with audio and sampling. I want to be able to continue that hobby in college and possibly use my major to promote a body of music. I want to know if there are any clubs or internships that you know of that will allow me to develop this hobby while also still focusing on my major. #music #music-industry #audio-post-production #digital-audio
2 answers
Lisa’s Answer
Hi Marcel, I would say when you visit schools it helps to always ask what your school offers and talk to the students as well. I am an art major and my mediums are always changing whether I am using pencil, paint, or anything else. So my advice is not to be afraid to experiment and learn with different types of instruments.
Charlie’s Answer
If you play an instrument, why not join some ensembles? While studying music, business and audio engineering, I sang in chorus and played in jazz ensemble, wind ensemble, woodwind ensemble, saxophone ensemble, saxophone quartets, orchestra, etc. All of these helped me fine tune my music skills. If you have musical / creative ideas you want to be able to perform or manipulate, I bet better proficiency on an instrument (including voice) would help get you there.