4 answers
As a high school student how do I know what topics are right for me?
I’m currently a 15 year old high-school sophomore and I have various interests in areas related to tech and science. But within these, I’m not really sure what I like specifically so how can I know more vividly what specific part I like?
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4 answers

Xavier Bell | MBA
Career Change - Life Learner- Education People Development
Austin, Texas
Xavier’s Answer
Dear Khush,
Your question is indeed an excellent one. You're already on the right path, considering your interest lies in a field with abundant career opportunities. My advice to you would be to delve deeper into your tech and science classes, exploring other programs your school might have available. Perhaps there's a robotics or science club that participates in UIL activities, which could be a great opportunity for you.
Local universities often host summer camps, with some even offering them for free. I recommend consulting your guidance counselor or visiting a nearby university's website to see what's available. This could provide you with a chance to explore specific areas within your field of interest, helping you either broaden your horizons or focus your aspirations.
We live in an exciting era where tech and science are at the heart of numerous industries. The good news is that this field provides a wide array of career options. Continue to be curious, keep up your diligent study, and try to attend some summer camps that could offer you deeper insights.
Excelsior !
Your question is indeed an excellent one. You're already on the right path, considering your interest lies in a field with abundant career opportunities. My advice to you would be to delve deeper into your tech and science classes, exploring other programs your school might have available. Perhaps there's a robotics or science club that participates in UIL activities, which could be a great opportunity for you.
Local universities often host summer camps, with some even offering them for free. I recommend consulting your guidance counselor or visiting a nearby university's website to see what's available. This could provide you with a chance to explore specific areas within your field of interest, helping you either broaden your horizons or focus your aspirations.
We live in an exciting era where tech and science are at the heart of numerous industries. The good news is that this field provides a wide array of career options. Continue to be curious, keep up your diligent study, and try to attend some summer camps that could offer you deeper insights.
Excelsior !
Liz’s Answer
Hello Khush,
You're doing an excellent job in identifying the subjects that pique your interest in school! I believe that as you delve deeper into these subjects throughout your high school and college journey, you'll be able to pinpoint your specific areas of interest. Equally important is discovering what aspects of a field do not captivate you. Sometimes, recognizing what doesn't spark your interest can be the initial step towards finding what truly does.
It's worth mentioning that your interests can evolve over time. You might be fascinated by a particular field at one stage in your life, only to realize later that your interest has shifted as you've grown and learned more about it.
For instance, in high school, I was passionate about my biology classes and decided to major in biology. However, during my first semester in college, I discovered that biology didn't captivate me as much as numerical problem-solving did. Understanding that biology as a whole didn't fascinate me, but certain concepts did, guided me towards the field of business!
You're doing an excellent job in identifying the subjects that pique your interest in school! I believe that as you delve deeper into these subjects throughout your high school and college journey, you'll be able to pinpoint your specific areas of interest. Equally important is discovering what aspects of a field do not captivate you. Sometimes, recognizing what doesn't spark your interest can be the initial step towards finding what truly does.
It's worth mentioning that your interests can evolve over time. You might be fascinated by a particular field at one stage in your life, only to realize later that your interest has shifted as you've grown and learned more about it.
For instance, in high school, I was passionate about my biology classes and decided to major in biology. However, during my first semester in college, I discovered that biology didn't captivate me as much as numerical problem-solving did. Understanding that biology as a whole didn't fascinate me, but certain concepts did, guided me towards the field of business!
Patrice’s Answer
You can take aptitude tests such as the Myers-Briggs and similar tests which try to determine your personal characteristics and match them to common careers. It is important to understand what you are good at, because it would be problematic to get a degree in something and then later find out that you don't actually like it or don't have the qualities needed to succeed in it.
You could take an internship doing something in the fields you are interested in so that you can get a feel for what is good and bad about it. Keep in mind that everything has positives and negatives, so it will be up to you to determine which of those any particular characteristic is, and what is a negative for someone else could be a positive for you because it is a personal choice.
Join a local Meetup Group that focuses on tech and science and see what you like best in the things they are discussing and doing.
I would also suggest talking with your teachers and/or guidance counselors to see if they have advice on resources they can offer to help you decide.
You could take an internship doing something in the fields you are interested in so that you can get a feel for what is good and bad about it. Keep in mind that everything has positives and negatives, so it will be up to you to determine which of those any particular characteristic is, and what is a negative for someone else could be a positive for you because it is a personal choice.
Join a local Meetup Group that focuses on tech and science and see what you like best in the things they are discussing and doing.
I would also suggest talking with your teachers and/or guidance counselors to see if they have advice on resources they can offer to help you decide.
Ana’s Answer
Discover what truly sparks your interest. If you're finding it hard to pinpoint this right now and time is ticking away, consider looking into profitable sectors or areas that align with your values. For example, you might enjoy helping others or creating apps. Broaden your horizons by engaging in conversations with teachers and networking with professionals whenever possible. Attend career fairs and consider trying out different electives to get a taste of various fields. This can help you better understand what you're truly passionate about. Don't forget to participate in diverse clubs too. Most importantly, never put a limit on what you can achieve.