3 answers
Does getting involved in undergraduate research help students get into medical school?
I want to prepare myself for med school. #medicine #medical-practice #medical-education
3 answers

Robert Ellis DO, PhD, FACP
Physician Director, Integrative Oncology Program at Northwest Permanente
Portland, Oregon
Robert’s Answer
Although doing research might help, the most important determining factor is your grades in the pre medicine courses and your MCAT score. Doing a major which shows your interest in related areas such as psychology also helps.
TLAUREN’s Answer
Directing academic exploration can now and again improve a clinical school candidate's odds of confirmation, however, research experience doesn't naturally prompt acknowledgment, as indicated by doctors and clinical school authorities.
Dr. Fred M. Jacobs, leader VP of St. George's University – a worldwide clinical school – and the previous seat of its division of medication, says convincing exploration experience can improve the bid of a premed with solid scholarly capabilities. Be that as it may, it can't make up for an inferior scholarly exhibition.
In case you're a decent student and you're getting passing marks and your scores and the normalized tests are unrivaled, that is the sort of student recommended to proceed to do explore in the event that you need to. "In case you're a normal student, you're at risk to mess yourself up, in light of the fact that you fundamentally don't have time.So, you are not doing alright, all things considered, examination ought not be the main concern on your rundown.
Dr. Fred M. Jacobs, leader VP of St. George's University – a worldwide clinical school – and the previous seat of its division of medication, says convincing exploration experience can improve the bid of a premed with solid scholarly capabilities. Be that as it may, it can't make up for an inferior scholarly exhibition.
TLAUREN recommends the following next steps:
Richard’s Answer
In general your extra curricular activities should support the idea that you are totally committed to a medical career so research in the basic sciences is a great idea.
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