Career questions tagged frustrated

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Samantha785 views

I tend to get very anxious towards the end of each semester. How do I maintain my focus?

Despite being on top of all my classes' assignments, tests, and even arriving on time, I still get overwhelmed with anxiety each semester. That makes it so hard to concentrate and complete the work, as I had done earlier in the semester. I tried meditation, exercise, prescribed medication and therapy. #anxiety-management #frustrated

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Andrea580 views

What makes a good scholarship essay?

Obviously, I need to follow the directions, use correct grammar and punctuation, express ideas and opinions clearly, etc. ...But, makes a winning essay a winning essay? Is there anything special I should do to make my writing and proposals stand out? #curious #frustrated

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Erica582 views

What intern oppurtunities are their for aspiring psychologists in NC?

I'm a junior in highschool and I have been on the search for a decent summer program or internship for a while and still no luck. I need help! #psychology #frustrated #medicine #northcarolina

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