Career questions tagged sjsu

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Kevin816 views

How common is it for public relations specialists to move from different organizations during their career?

A public relations specialist visited one of my classes to provide students a glimpse into his career life. One of the details I took notice was how much he moved from organization to organization after a few years. All my life, I was raised to believe in the notion of working at one company or organization for the entirety of my life. Hearing this from a professional was unusual. Comment your own experiences and thoughts on this commonality in the career. #SJSU #public-relations #career-advice

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Kevin726 views

What was your favorite or memorable moment as a public relations specialist?

I am currently studying public relations at San Jose State University. I am enjoying the major more than I expected, but I am curious about favorite or memorable moments from legitimate public relations specialists. Personally, my favorite moment thus far was working on a PR plan with a few colleagues in one of my classes. #SJSU #public-relations #college

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