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Whittier, California
2 Questions
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Daniel May 25, 2016 779 views

Is being a Graphic Designer at a studio/company a better option than being a Freelance Designer?

I am soon going to graduate if I can get my act together and I have been trying to figure out what companies I should intern at. In the end I always thought being a freelance artist would be cool because of the flexibility in my schedule but after taking my last Entertainment Graphics Class and...

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel May 25, 2016 1444 views

As a graduating Graphic Designer what skills should I focus more on learning?

I am currently proficient in Illustrator, Photoshop and indesign but as I am in the upper level classes I am learning new programs like, Adobe Animate, After Effects, Dreamweaver and so on. So i am just curious what are the most sought after skills that employers are looking for?...