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Kewaunee, Wisconsin
2 Questions
81 Karma

Kole’s Career Goals

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Kole’s Avatar
Kole Jan 16, 2018 1195 views

How can I find a career choice when my interests and strengths are so varied?

I can't figure out how to make a career out of my strengths. I'm "not bad" in school (b average); great at sports (not great enough to make a living off them); good with leadership and community involvement (but would rather play tennis). So I'm not sure where I fit into a "career path."...

Kole’s Avatar
Kole Jan 16, 2018 736 views

How can I combine what I'm really good at, but don't particularly care for, and what I'm really good at, but is not a long term profession?

Hi. I'm a senior who has been very active in sports all my life. I'm a 4 sport athlete with tennis and soccer being my main sports that I excel in. I also excel in math. For a professional career, soccer or tennis is not realistic, but that's what I love. There are so many careers with a...