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Provo, Utah
2 Questions
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Matthew Jan 17, 2018 1007 views

How does the residency process work following medical school?

I want to go to medical school, and I know this is followed by a residency, but I don’t know a lot about that process. How does the application process for residency work? Do residencies focus on specialties? #medicine #residency #medical-school #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jan 17, 2018 1268 views

What is most important for me to do now to prepare for applying to medical school?

I’m planning to get my undergrad and apply to go to medical school. I know this can be a big, difficult process, so I want to be preparing now to have the greatest chance of being successful. What things can I do and be involved in to be best prepared for that application process? #medicine...