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Tucson, Arizona
2 Questions
76 Karma

bryan’s Career Goals

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bryan’s Avatar
bryan Jan 18, 2018 557 views

How do I know what my future job should be?

Our world is evolving at such a rapid pace with the way technology has been improving. However, our minds have not changed at the same rate as technology. We still think the same way we did 10,15,20 years ago and that mindset may or may not get us far in life. For example, my dad is a banker...

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bryan Jan 18, 2018 925 views

How can a young entrepreneur be successful in the restaurant industry at a young age?

My whole life I have always loved food. Not only eating but cooking as well. I think of food and cooking a necessity to life but also a way to bring people closer together. The restaurant business is a very risky and statistically a very high failing business. I still have aspirations to be in...