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Belmont, Mississippi
2 Questions
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Hayley Jan 21, 2018 695 views

How many years does it take to obtain a Law degree?

I am interested in Law as a career but I know it will probably take about 4 years to get my bachelor's degree and then I'm estimated it will take about 2 more years to get my degree in law and pass the bar exam. I've been told that if I go this route, I'll be spending a lot of time my first...

Hayley’s Avatar
Hayley Jan 21, 2018 678 views

I will be getting my degree in business and want to know if it's better to get a Business Administration, Accounting or Finance degree.

#financial-accounting There are so many options when obtaining a degree in business. I want to choose the best option for my future. Are there more job openings in Business Administration, Accounting or Finance out there in the business world. I don't want to look back in 2022 and wish I...