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Grundy Center, Iowa
4 Questions
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Whitney Apr 30, 2020 619 views

How much do surgical nurses and NICU nurses get paid? I've been researching and I keep getting a wide range of answers.

Trying to decide what type of nurse I want to be. Researching about both #nurse #nursing #healthcare #doctor #medicine

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Whitney Apr 03, 2020 580 views

As a NICU nurse, what should you be good at? What does a day in your job look like? What should I know about being a NICU nurse?

#nurse #nursing #healthcare #medicine #registered-nurses

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Whitney Mar 30, 2020 864 views

I've seen a lot about the need for NICU and other nurses will continue to go up. I was wondering if it's hard to get a job as a nurse, specifically a NICU nurse, and if there is a need for them right now and what that all looks like? Because I've also heard/seen that everyone wants to be working in the NICU so it's hard to get into.?

#nursing #nurse #medicine #healthcare #doctor

Junior in high school. Trying to figure out my future job!

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Whitney Mar 24, 2020 947 views

I think I want to be a NICU nurse, I'm not for sure yet though. What schooling should I do just in case I change my mind from wanting to be a NICU nurse? Is it better to go to a 4 year college or a 2 year and transfer? What schooling should I look into doing?

I live in a small town in Iowa. Thinking about going to a private college, but the University of Iowa is a great medical school. I still need to go on visits but not sure what I want to do. I love babies and working with kids, #nursing #medicine #college