Do you think an athlete could major pre-med and keep up grades?
I am a pretty intense athlete and I would love to continue playing sports in college. I know pre-med will contain hard courses, so I am worried about how my grades would do, if I continued to splay sports.
#sports #pre-med
3 answers

Scott Himes
Scott’s Answer
Yes. It's all about your mindset when entering college. What are you dedicated towards? When I was in college there was a student athlete who was in pre-med and a football player. While he would occasionally be seen on the party scene, it was rarely and it was usually during the "off-season". He maintained a 4.0 GPA during his 4 years and was a successful athlete as well.
I believe he was successful because he surrounded himself with good like minded people who continued to encourage the positive behavior which in turn created positive results.
Scott recommends the following next steps:
Richard’s Answer
That leaves plenty of hours in the day to pursue athletics.
Also Take as many AP or IB courses in high school and consider summer school. This can lighten your load during the school year to allow for more time for extra curriculars.