Does Georgia Tech have scholarships which would cover out of state tuition?
Scholarships are critically important to me. I really want to go to this school. However, there is no way I can afford to pay the out of state tuition otherwise. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks. #scholarships #outofstate #georgia-tech
4 answers
Aaron’s Answer
Rob’s Answer
Ashi’s Answer
Breanna’s Answer
Benjamin, this is a good question. Although I am unsure exactly regarding Georgia Tech, I would imagine it doesn't hurt to look into it on the school's website.
Three things to consider based on what my experiences/university offered:
- I was a Georgia resident and went out of state. I know other Georgia residents that attended my university for engineering were able to get "in state" tuition, because none of the Georgia schools offer their type of engineering program. Maybe you could look at this and see if GA Tech offers your engineering program that none of your instate school's offer.
- I also know that for my out of state school, if you had a certain SAT/ACT score, or GPA, you could qualify for in state tuition.
- Another thing, (although not sure where you live), my school offered in state tuition for certain cities in neighboring states.
Otherwise, I would do research online, through your local church, companies, through your college career center, etc. to see if you are able to find scholarships to apply for to help pay for college costs.
Good luck with your next chapter!