Career questions tagged outofstate

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Emeline702 views

My main goal in the next five years of my life is to go to college at Washington state, however I know going to college out of state can be very stressful and difficult. Is there any steps I can take to make the process easier, and more beneficial for the stress of out of state colleges?

#college #outofstate #college-advice #career #college-admissions #university

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Payton993 views

Is it better to go to a in-state college or an out-of-state college?

I'm wondering if it would be better to stay closer to home or to take a risk and go out of state? #instate #college #outofstate #college-advice #student #college-bound

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Ja-Ia965 views

How do I convince my uptight parents to let me go to a university out of state?

I am the only daughter in my family. My family is very protective about my because of my gender, therefore I have some restrictions. I want to be able to study and work without my parents interfering so often. I also want to simply live my life and focus on my priorities without having someone hang over my shoulder. I want to learn to be independence, struggle and work out my issues without always relying on my parents. #independence #gender #outofstate #career #college

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Ja-Ia881 views

How to handle high tuition rates for an out-of-state student?

I plan on transferring from a community college to a university. However, I am unsure as to how to transfer my credits and making sure that everything that I have done until now aligns. I am also concerned about the high tuition rate and how to compensate for it. For example, when I should be taking loans and when I should be changing some life choices and how often I should be making those decisions to pay for tuition. #tuition #outofstate #savingmoney

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Jadyn805 views

Is it smarter to get scholarships for instate or out of state colleges?

I have offers for scholarships out of state, and even though out of state tuition costs more. Is it better to use the money and get my schooling done there instead of paying for instate. #payingforcollege #needmoney #instate #outofstate

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Benjamin825 views

Does Georgia Tech have scholarships which would cover out of state tuition?

Scholarships are critically important to me. I really want to go to this school. However, there is no way I can afford to pay the out of state tuition otherwise. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks. #scholarships #outofstate #georgia-tech

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Vanessa765 views

What are some methods to make time for your studies yet all your leisure activities while still being on task with everything else?

I'm asking because I might go out of state and knowing that, I wanna know ways to help me keep focus. #outofstate

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Sabrina1007 views

Should I be worried about moving out of my home state?

I plan on moving out of California for college to go up to either Seattle or Portland. I'm also expecting to stay in the area after college instead of returning home. I'm not sure how common this is or even if it would benefit me economically. Something that really worries me is that I won't like the area once I move there. #outofstate #college-bound #seattle #portland #california

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Verenice890 views

Would it be a smart move to go out of state for college even if I'm undecided on a major?

I am undecided on a major and have applied to out of state colleges and universities, but I'm scared it'll be a waste of money because I am undecided on my major. I have strongly been considering a business major and minoring in Spanish. Pre-Dentistry is also something I have considered but my mind is not made up 100% #business-major #outofstate #incomingfreshman #undecided #spanishminor #pre-dental

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Taylor1072 views

Was it hard adjusting to living out of state during college?

I am asking this question because I am probably going #outofstate for college and this kind of freaks me out as I have never lived by myself let alone in a new year. I just want to know a little of what to expect and any pointers on adjusting. #college #out-of-state-student #life-transitions #adjusting

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Edwin863 views

What are good scholarships for people going out of state?

I want to go to a college out of state #outofstate #college

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Sabrina 807 views

How do you find out the requirement for transferring out of state?

For example California has which tells you the specific classes admissions and records like to see in transcripts when transferring from let's say a community college to a UC or private school. However only works for colleges within California. I am from California and would like to transfer to Western Washington University. I have called and spoke to councilors at WWU however, they only have given me a generic broad overview of what they like to see. So my question is what is a useful tool that can help transferring out of state easier and can help direct the student in letting them know they are taking the right classes. #Transfering #OutOfState #Washington #psychology #HelpPlease #LifeChanges #life-transitions

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