What can you do make sure your good with everything your first year in college?
A lot of college freshmen tends to get distracted and fall off track. #advice
3 answers
Somnath’s Answer
First Year is extremely difficult esp if in case you are trying to move to a new city. You need to get accustomed to the culture, food habits, language, people and obviously away from home, which a toll on most of them, But we should constantly remind ourselves as to you why we are there, this helps keep focus on things at hand and focus on study/college rather than some of the trivial stuffs.

Lonya (Loni) D. French
Lonya (Loni)’s Answer
The first year can be tough adjusting to more freedom, the workload and distractions. Depending on if your staying on campus or commuting from home, I would suggest finding a support system based on your interests. This could be a club, sports team or work study job. Make sure you're focusing on your studies and ask for help when you need it. It's ok to feel homesick, frustrated or overwhelmed. Remember why you're there - to learn and get an education that can help you achieve your future goals. You got this!
Steven’s Answer
My first year I found it extremely difficult to see some of my fellow students going out and socializing far more frequently having so much fun. I can tell you though the fun is nice at the time many of those students were not enrolled in year two or deeply regretted their grades. My advice is to be productive early in the week so you can schedule dedicated fun time late in the week / weekend that you will not regret later. Give yourself that time so you have something to work for and towards without sacrificing why you are truly there! Hope this helps! Good luck!