Regardless of major or job occupation, in general what college course do you think gave you the most that you were able to take away from the class and apply afterwards?
What course gave you the most helpful or useful information that applies to the real world?
3 answers

Jacqueline Safont
Jacqueline’s Answer
Hi Sheila,
I took an intro to speech/communication where I had to do public speaking. This was always so difficult for me since I've always been shy. Some of the tips I received in the class I still use all these years later. I would also recommend English writing courses, since in almost any profession you will need to do some writing. I would also recommend psychology courses, since it definitely helps in understanding yourself and others.
I hope this information helps you.
Krisztina’s Answer
I had to take a few psychology and child psychology classes, and what I learned has been very applicable to both my personal and professional life in understanding people.
Bryan’s Answer
I would have to say the English Literature courses were the most helpful, because we had to clearly express ourselves in writing and read a lot. Everyone needs to be able to communicate clearly, and writing is probably the most common way to do that. If I could choose another course, it would be an AI class I took in the final year of college before I got my Computer Science degree. For both AI and English Literature, we did a ton of reading, and many of the tests were lengthy written answers or essays.