How can I find a balance between study, work and social life?
I have to find a job in order to pay for at least half of my tuition as scholarships won't do enough. How can a balance all the projects for school and still work?
#schoolarships #social-work #work-life-balance #working
4 answers
Larissa’s Answer
Ahora, lo que me funcionó a mi fue: tener un calendario con mis actividades por día y una lista de tareas por hacer. Primero hacía mi lista de tareas semanales para ver que es lo que tenía que hacer, y de ahí apartaba un espacio en mi calendario (utilizo la app de Calendarios de Google) donde creaba un evento por cada tarea a hacer. Por ejemplo, mi lista de tareas incluye limpiar mi cuarto, hacer mi tarea de 4 ejercicios de matemáticas e investigar para mi proyecto final de geografía. Elegí que todo lo iba a hacer un sábado, y en mi calendario puse dos horas para limpiar mi cuarto, dos para mis ejercicios de matemáticas y cuatro para mi proyecto final. Así, me aseguré de que todo lo que tenía que hacer tuviera un espacio para que lo hiciera, aprendí a priorizar mis tareas y también a dejar un espacio para descansar.
Espero y esta respuesta te ayude!
Hello Lucy! This is Larissa. I believe that balancing your school, work, and life (I mean goals, objectives, going out, etc.) is very complicated but definitely not impossible. I can share that I did it for a couple of years, and I won't lie, there were days when I felt tired because there was so much to do; but it helped me a lot to organize my time and see if it was worth investing so many hours in an activity that maybe wasn't worth it (in other words, prioritizing what I had to do).
Now, what worked for me was: having a calendar with my daily activities and a to-do list. First, I made my weekly to-do list to see what I had to do, and from there I set aside a space in my calendar (I use the Google Calendar app) where I created an event for each task to be done. For example, my to-do list includes cleaning my room, doing my math homework with 4 exercises, and researching for my final geography project. I chose to do everything on a Saturday, and in my calendar, I set two hours to clean my room, two for my math exercises, and four for my final project. This way, I made sure that everything I had to do had a space to be done, I learned to prioritize my tasks, and also to leave some space to rest.
I hope this response helps you!
Jordana’s Answer
Benjamin’s Answer
I believe that planning ahead and prioritizing will help you balance the 3. As a college student, one method that helps me do this is having an agenda book that I use each and every day. Planning out my days in advance helps me best navigate and balance school, work, and social life. However, in my experience, you cannot have a set order of prioritization of the 3. I first operated that way in college and found myself putting social life at the bottom, which led me to not truly enjoying life as well as great parts of college. I realized that I did worse in school and slacked off in work during that time because I was simply unhappy and stressed out all day. Overall, you need to allocate time to do all 3 and what helped me do that is using an agenda book.
I hope this answer helps!
Lucie’s Answer
Hi Ana,
I believe prioritising is the key here. There are phases. There will be times when your studies will require more time and you will have to focus on them more than the other 2. But I don't believe there should be days where you only and solely focus on 1. In order to enjoy any of the 3, you need to find balance. And when you enjoy what you're doing, you get better at it.
The trick is to plan in advance. I assume work has set hours so, any hours that aren't in your working hours can be planned. And then remain very set to what you have planned, otherwise you will not trust you r plan anymore and It will not work out. If you have set to study for 2 hours after work and you get a last minute message from your friends asking you to come out, stick to the studies!
But take it easy. Don't stress on it too much, and remember to do a bit of everything.