What is the path for an actuary after college?
More schooling? Testing? Internship? #actuary #careerpath
4 answers
Donna’s Answer
To learn more about the exam (and other requirements) to obtain a professional designation, I direct you to the websites of the Society of Actuaries (life, health, and pensions) or the Casualty Actuarial Society (property and casualty insurance). There you will find much information about these requirements plus information on actuarial careers.
See soa.org or casact.org.
Sharon’s Answer
Depending on your college major and courses, I recommend taking at least one of the actuarial exams while still in college if possible. This is easier if your classes match up well with an exam (if you're in an Actuarial Science program and taking a probability course, for example), but it is very possible to study and pass on your own. Passing at least one exam opens the door for more internships while you're still in college, which makes it easier to find a full time job when you graduate. The first few exams are the same regardless of your job, so you don't need to choose a path (life/health vs. property/casualty) until later.
I don't believe additional schooling is necessary beyond a bachelor's (in anything); passing actuarial exams is much more important for starting the career. Most employers of actuaries will support continuing taking exams while working full time with paid days off to study, paying for study materials and classes, and paying for the exam fees themselves.
Sharon recommends the following next steps:
Ken’s Answer
The most important thing for you to do to determine your path to success as an actuary, is to get to know yourself better to find out how your personality traits will match with people who are successful in this broad field and then meet and talk to people who are doing what you think that you want to do to see what they do, how they got there, and see what advice and suggestions that they might have for you.
Getting to know yourself and how your personality traits relate to people involved in various career opportunities is very important in your decision making process. During my many years in Human Resources and College Recruiting, I ran across too many students who had skipped this very important step and ended up in a job situation which for which they were not well suited. Selecting a career area is like buying a pair of shoes. First you have to be properly fitted for the correct size, and then you need to try on and walk in the various shoe options to determine which is fits the best and is most comfortable for you to wear. Following are some important steps which I developed during my career which have been helpful to many .
Ken recommends the following next steps:
Jeff’s Answer
1. I don't think more schooling is necessary. I personally have a grad degree, but don't find that it gives me a whole lot of advantages. The job requires a lot of learning through the exam process that will cover what you need to know. And I think employers are mostly focused on the credentials and exam progress when comparing candidates rather than the degree they have. Having said that, it may have made those exams a bit easier for me having had the extra knowledge and experience through grad work.
2. I would actually recommend tests DURING college not after. I took one during college and found even that was not enough for most entry positions, and that was a decade ago. I think now it is good to at least have a couple under your belt before your first full-time position. I'd recommend 2 or 3. If you have too many it may actually work a bit against you since you will still be entry level, but based on exam progress, kind of calls for a higher salary than they may want to pay an entry-level employee.
3. An internship would be extremely helpful for both your opinion on if the career is something you do want to follow and for your resume. It's honestly hard to tell if the career is right for you without being able to get your hands dirty a bit. I know it's easier said than done to just go get an internship, but I would prioritize it highly. Many companies will flow their interns right into a full time job if all goes well.