what could i do for creative job
i love to create new thing and build things #engineering #life #creative
2 answers
Reiko’s Answer
There's so many things that you can do. First, narrow down your interests. Are they artistic? Do you like to create the concept to build things or would you rather be the one to actually build them? There are engineering fields that cover creating buildings, cars, bridges... you name it. There's also architecture, interior design, product design, film set design. The possibilities are endless. I began as a Fashion Design Major that moved into so many different fields. Currently, I use data to design maps for retail stores. I get to decide where products are placed and draw the layout with the help of computer systems. There are all types of things that need to be built and those things need people who can provide the concepts to build them.
Reiko recommends the following next steps:

Judith Quitoriano
Judith’s Answer
Beginning a creative job is a process, so do not quit your present employment to begin doing what you love. Get a business license with the city in which you reside. Keep accounts. Develop your product with good design, work out all the flaws. You could do this in a designated room in your home and declare a home work space so that you could deduct utilities etc. at the Federal level.
When your product line is developed, market your work to targeted businesses in your area. Many small shops do sales on commission basis. You can also market online with Etsy.com and ArtFire. Print up your card and when you meet someone interested, give them one. Remember, building a small business is all about contacts.
You could also use some of your design space to provide instructional sessions for charge to others. Remember to have enough liability insurance or create an LLC or both.