Do you more often work individually or as part of a team?
7 answers
Raghavendra’s Answer
Hi Tamara,
Team work no matter how small plays an important role in any organization , but at the same time you still have to work individually on your goals, advantage of working in team environment is you will always get support on topics or problems that you do not know or do not foresee, quite often one of the team member may have hit the same problem and has knowledge on resolving those problems is one example.
Hasnaa’s Answer
I have a chance to work within a team, the interaction with the team members enriched your knowledge, help to expand your networing, and improve your brand.
Kawtar’s Answer
team work is always the best way to learn more and create relationships, and you will be sure that the work is always completed within the right way because as a part of a team you can ask for help as much as you can provide help to the other team members.. so team work is very interesting than an individual work.. but in general this depends on the type of work.
good luck !
Mary’s Answer
Hi Tamare,
I have worked alone and with a team and in my experience they both have their own advantages.
I more often choose to work as part of a team and sometimes would prefer to work individually depending on the needs the project.
I suggest it would be best to work as a team where you can share ideas and information with others in the team , so we have a better chance to come up with creative solutions to problems .
Ivan’s Answer
It depends on the type of work you do. Most jobs require you to work as a part of a team. However, there are jobs where can can work completley on your own. Working part of a team can be great, as you get to meet new people from different walks of life and hear interesting stories.
Firoz’s Answer
Laeba’s Answer
I work both, individually and as a part of a team.