4 answers
What is the best premed school to go to?
I'm a Freshmen in high shcool and I was wondering what college is the best to go to before medical school. #college #medicine #premed #doctor #healthcare
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4 answers

Ricardo M Savage
Communications Volunteer at Community Tech Network (CTN)
Vallejo, California
Ricardo’s Answer
A community college or trade school that will get you off to a good start in that field. Talk to different colleges first, to which school is right you by making appointments with the schools consular. Tell them what your interests are and the major for which you are trying to major in.
Ransi’s Answer
You don’t go to a pre med school. You need a 4 year degree from an accredited college or university. What you get your degree in is up to you. Since med school is competitive, you’ll need to well in college. Some folks believe that doing pre med at a well known college or university is an advantage but I think med school admissions committees are interested in you as a person, why medicine is your chosen path and what you bring to their school. This is on top of GPA and MCAT scores.
Richard’s Answer
In the US, to apply to medical school, you need a bachelor's degree. Any 4-year university should suffice.
Pick a major that interests and a school that fits your personality you so you don't mind devoting a majority of your hours to studying. You will need to get good grades in college in order to apply for medical school. At the medical school I attended, the average GPA is reported to be 3.85, so even one or two B's can hurt your chances of acceptance.
Pick a major that interests and a school that fits your personality you so you don't mind devoting a majority of your hours to studying. You will need to get good grades in college in order to apply for medical school. At the medical school I attended, the average GPA is reported to be 3.85, so even one or two B's can hurt your chances of acceptance.
Rachel’s Answer
Any 4 year university should be able to provide you with all of the premed requirements (1 year biology, 1 year inorganic chemistry, 1 year organic chemistry + labs, physics, calculus, and biochemistry). I would look at each school individually and see which fits your personality and desired major (does not have to be science) best.