6 answers
Sudha’s Answer
I can relate to your question well as I am also from Bangalore and am a computer software engineer. 10th grade is a great time to plan and pursue your dream career. First, I would suggest focusing on PCM subjects and work hard to get good marks in those subjects. If you get good marks in the finals and pass the state wide entrance exam with flying colors, you can possibly get into engineering in the city. Most of the work you will be doing as a computer science specialist is programming. I would recommend taking online courses (free ones) to get a feel for what is involved. Best Wishes! Stay focused and persevere. You will get there....
NAVEEN’s Answer
Hi Chaitra. I am assuming that you need to know how you can become a software engineer. I see that you are still studying in Bangalore. First step is to enrol yourself to the Science Branch of the PUC college. After your PUC or 12 there is an entrance test for engineering colleges to which you can appear. If you do well in those tests you will be given rankings based on your performance. Based on your ranking you will be able to join the engineering colleges. There are a plenty of colleges in Karnataka that you can choose from based on your ranking. Of course there are other colleges like the IIT's if you are really good to join as well. They may be having different entrance test's.
All the best.!!!
Joe’s Answer
What I found to be lacking in the tool-bag of many developers is their inability to listen and interact with the end-users on what problems need to be solved. It may be extremely cool for an application to do certain functions...especially to the developer. But cool doesn't normally solve the users problems. That's why it is also important to be able to effectively listen and interact with the users.
Kyle’s Answer
The most straightforward path to becoming a Software Engineer is to earn a degree in Software Engineering/Computer Science. Most major Colleges and Universities offer a degree in Software Engineering and companies are always looking for newly graduated students to come and work for them!
There are also a number of Coding Bootcamps available that are accelerated programs which teach you the basics of how to be a software engineer. Many of these also offer a guarantee job offer upon completing the program!
You can also learn on your own! I have worked with many great people who are self taught Software Engineers. Finding a job at first may be a little more difficult but once you are able to get your foot in the door and show what a great engineer you are then the sky is the limit.
For all paths it is important to be a life long learner. Always looking to improve yourself as a Software Engineer throughout your career!
Theodora’s Answer
Do you want to become a software engineer, software delveoper, or something else? Can you clarify a bit more and what you majored in and what youre interests are. Thank you, Theodora
Absar Ul’s Answer
Hi Chaitra,
Since everyone has told you about how to get into the good college, I will be suggesting to start learning Data structure and algorithms course, that will help you much as a software engineer/developer.
Additionally you can learn a competitive programming in order to pursue software developer as a career, in any choice of language that you want to.
Hope this helps.