2 answers
2 answers
David’s Answer
If you think you’d be interested, it’s going to take some leg work on your part. Do some research on where physical therapists work, what patient populations they work with and then ask some therapists if you can shadow them.
Isaac’s Answer
I work along side physical therpist who have obtained a doctorate and have asked them what they can do what they can not do. You are can not prescribe medication. You can prescribe a treatment plan. You work directly with the patient with needs help them gain independence based on their abbilities. If you become a medical doctor you have direct control of their medical needs. You will able to prescribe meds, diagnose and treat. These are both admirable and honorable careers. The salary and benifits may vary based on your location and specialty. Medical doctors get around $100,000 or more based on experience. A doctorate in Physical therepy salary range is around 50,000 or less. Hope that helps