4 answers
What kind of work would I find in the welding career?
I'm currently interested in welding but I wanna know where it can take me in the future.
Thank You :)
#career #welding #future #career-choice #career-path
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4 answers
Dr. LaToya’s Answer
The following are seven welding careers you may not have thought of:
Assemblers and Fabricators: ...
Boilermakers: ...
Jeweler, Precious Stone, and Metal Workers: ...
Machinists, Tool, and Die Makers: ...
Sheet Metal Workers: ...
Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters: ...
Metal and Plastic Machine Workers:
Assemblers and Fabricators: ...
Boilermakers: ...
Jeweler, Precious Stone, and Metal Workers: ...
Machinists, Tool, and Die Makers: ...
Sheet Metal Workers: ...
Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters: ...
Metal and Plastic Machine Workers:
Ron’s Answer
How wonderful that you are exploring options early! In addition to the other helpful answers, here are some online resources to help you dig deeper into the wide range of welding careers. The range of jobs, as well as the physical requirements and geographic needs can vary greatly.
Welding the steel frame on a high rise tower under construction in a major metropolitan area is very different from from working in a machine shop, or as an underwater welder.
Welding the steel frame on a high rise tower under construction in a major metropolitan area is very different from from working in a machine shop, or as an underwater welder.
Ashley’s Answer
Great question! Over 60% of the thousands of welding jobs are found in the manufacturing industry, so working for contracting and construction companies, building permanent and temporary infrastructures, repairing military equipment or working various pipeline jobs are a few places a welding career can take you in the future. Hope this helps!
Kim’s Answer
Welding has diverse opportunities within the welding discipline in manufacturing. Upward mobility is usually with welding in my experience. I don't see a lot if our Welders move into other fields. They can learn different applications which makes them more valuable to employers.
I would recommend spending a day in a shop that has welding applications and asking a lot of questions. Then go to another. Do an interview at a welding school and ask a lot of questions.
Finally, we are paying our welders up top $30 per hour but there's a ceiling.
I would recommend spending a day in a shop that has welding applications and asking a lot of questions. Then go to another. Do an interview at a welding school and ask a lot of questions.
Finally, we are paying our welders up top $30 per hour but there's a ceiling.