3 answers
What majors can I do to pursue a career with animals?
-want to transfer to UC
-completing general ed in community college
-undecided major/career
#animals #major
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3 answers
Jane’s Answer
Hi Ciara,
UC Davis has a great Animal Science program (https://www.ucdavis.edu/majors/animal-science/) as well as a great vet school for post-grad if you do end up deciding to pursue working with animals (https://www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/).
Hope this helps
UC Davis has a great Animal Science program (https://www.ucdavis.edu/majors/animal-science/) as well as a great vet school for post-grad if you do end up deciding to pursue working with animals (https://www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/).
Hope this helps
Dr Ezat Luba’s Answer
good questions. I was premed with a major in psychobiology (now called neuroscience) with the intention of going to medical school, but ended up in vet med. I interned at a marine lab and took a bunch of classes on comparative physiology, ecology, primate behavior, etc.
other majors: marine biology, zoology, ecology, I think it really depends where you go and what majors they have available. you can mix and match. college was the best. a lot of smart people
good luck!
other majors: marine biology, zoology, ecology, I think it really depends where you go and what majors they have available. you can mix and match. college was the best. a lot of smart people
good luck!
Jasmine’s Answer
The majors that pursues a career working with animals will sometimes be determined on the preference of large animal or small animal. Some universities have degrees such as: Animal Science, Zoology, Vet Tech, Veterinarian, Biology, Ecology, Equine Science, Animal Behavior etc.