1 answer
I am a huge fan of Dr VS Ramachandran and want to be a psychologist or psychiatrist. How do I go about fulfilling my dream?
Student of Hyderabad #any
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1 answer
Ahmad’s Answer
Psychologist and Psychiatrist are completely different professions.
Psychologist- If you want to be a psychologist, then you need to take B.sc and M.sc courses to study psychology. A psychologist is more like a counselor or a therapist, whereas
Psychiatrist- To become a psychiatrist, you'll have to study M.B.B.S and then for your masters, you can choose Psychiatry.
Psychologist- If you want to be a psychologist, then you need to take B.sc and M.sc courses to study psychology. A psychologist is more like a counselor or a therapist, whereas
Psychiatrist- To become a psychiatrist, you'll have to study M.B.B.S and then for your masters, you can choose Psychiatry.