2 answers
How do you choose what to specialize in with an ADN?
I got accepted into the nursing program and all of my friends who were accepted know what they want to do with their degree (surgery, trauma, maternity, neonatal, stroke, cardio, etc.) and I have no idea. How does one decide this kinda thing? #nursing
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2 answers
janet’s Answer
I agree with Kathleen's answer. I believe as you work through obtaining your nursing degree, you will find you will become drawn to a certain field in nursing. Some of the nurses I went through school with wanted to be a surgical nurse but once they were in the surgical suite they quickly changed their mind. It may take you some time and working in different units such as med surg, surgery, pediatrics, geriatrics, or the critical care areas to determine what your passion in nursing is. As you are exposed to various areas during your nursing school experience, you may find your passion and be able to pursue your dream. I would advise to keep your options open and find what you truly want to do.
Kathleen’s Answer
Don't worry you do not have to decide yet, and your friends will probably change their minds over the course of school and work experiences. As you learn and grow you will find yourself interested in certain things, you may love anatomy and how muscles work, you would then want to do work with orthopedics. If the heart and circulation interests you , cardiac nursing is your thing. It may depend on the job you get first and if you like it or not. Good Luck and congratulations!