Are there any advancements or setbacks within the medical field that could deter my success?
Because I am still looking at many different careers, I wish to know of any advancements or setbacks that could deter my success. #doctor #medicine #science #professor #biology
2 answers

Carole Curtis
Carole’s Answer
Emily: In one of the hospitals near me they are already doing genetic testing for Cancer risk assessment and are becoming a leader in cardio genetics. Many people are anxious to know their cancer risk when they are healthy. After you are tested you can spend time talking with a genetic counselor. If they find a risk they are able to do a higher level of testing and give some relief to the patient. Identifying genetic risk is what genetic testing is all about. Understanding the genetic background on many common diseases has taken a leap forward in the past few years. These advancements matter to all the population, because 2% of the population, even with no family history, may carry a susceptibility to a disease. This knowledge can change how doctors care for them and how important that information is for someone's family. I am aware that one lab will test for 50 hereditary cancer susceptibility genes at the same time for $250, but you do have to research this to find the right lab. I believe this advancement is a great one and Hope that we get more people interested in this type of job. The setback that I often here and have experienced is the crowded ER rooms and not able to get a bed for someone who is in distress. Sometimes they can't even find a doctor to see this person until the next day. These can be life and death setbacks and there needs to be a better procedure when going to the ER room. The fact that many Doctors have gone to being Concierge Doctors, (meaning that they charge a yearly fee for the patient, but are on call for these patients at all times, even when they are in the hospital! That kind of doctor might be a big advancement and advantage to the care of the patients. I have experienced this and feel it is a good way for me. I think that the advancements that have been made are not a determent but a plus for medical personnel. I also think that the deterrence, if any are within the political and arena and the people need to make decisions when it is time to vote.
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