5 answers
How can you help me determine a future career?
I am a sophomore at HillCrest High School I want to be successful but i don't know what my future goals are. #career-choice #help
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5 answers
Lisa’s Answer
Hi Shantrell,
I love a book called "Now, Discover Your Strengths" by Book by Donald O. Clifton and Marcus Buckingham. Through an interesting quiz, it helps you identify your natural talents. The book gives you practical tools, insights and examples so you can: understand why strengths are so important to success and learn how to build strengths using your natural talents. I found it very helpful early in my career and it's great insight. Learning about yourself, what you love and where your talents lie is a great start!
Also, think about the people in your life and their jobs; is there something that sounds really cool to you? My friend's mom worked as a recruiter; she went to job fairs and interviewed people and got them jobs. I thought that was really great so I talked to her about her job; what she liked about it; the experience she needed, etc.
This is the time of your life to explore and learn so take advantage of it and enjoy!
I love a book called "Now, Discover Your Strengths" by Book by Donald O. Clifton and Marcus Buckingham. Through an interesting quiz, it helps you identify your natural talents. The book gives you practical tools, insights and examples so you can: understand why strengths are so important to success and learn how to build strengths using your natural talents. I found it very helpful early in my career and it's great insight. Learning about yourself, what you love and where your talents lie is a great start!
Also, think about the people in your life and their jobs; is there something that sounds really cool to you? My friend's mom worked as a recruiter; she went to job fairs and interviewed people and got them jobs. I thought that was really great so I talked to her about her job; what she liked about it; the experience she needed, etc.
This is the time of your life to explore and learn so take advantage of it and enjoy!
Brad’s Answer
Good news is you are only a sophomore so you have plenty of time to decide your career path. Most of the people I know have had several different jobs before they found their true career. I never really enjoyed math in high school and when I started college I decided I wanted to be a business administration major. I was required to take 2 accounting classes and to my surprise I was at the top of the class...go figure. Sometimes you can decide what you want and go after it. Other times the path comes to you.
I recommend talking to your guidance counselor at school and see if they can help. There are also test you can take that can help determine what your interest and skill sets are that can help guide you into a career path. Glad to see you are interested in picking a career but good news is you have plenty of time to make that choice and it will most likely change several times before you graduate.
Good luck!
Good news is you are only a sophomore so you have plenty of time to decide your career path. Most of the people I know have had several different jobs before they found their true career. I never really enjoyed math in high school and when I started college I decided I wanted to be a business administration major. I was required to take 2 accounting classes and to my surprise I was at the top of the class...go figure. Sometimes you can decide what you want and go after it. Other times the path comes to you.
I recommend talking to your guidance counselor at school and see if they can help. There are also test you can take that can help determine what your interest and skill sets are that can help guide you into a career path. Glad to see you are interested in picking a career but good news is you have plenty of time to make that choice and it will most likely change several times before you graduate.
Good luck!
Simeon’s Answer
In general, I would go to the department of labor's website (https://www.dol.gov/) and see which fields are growing quickly these days. If you're drawing a blank on what you'd like to do, see if any of the fast growing fields call out to you. This will give you a lot more structure than trying to get a vague sense of your passions and trying to brainstorm a way to turn it into money. Most people don't have a passion that they are aware of right away. Also, passions tend to change from season to season. Lastly, look at videos on YouTube of people in their careers talking about what they love and hate. See if any of their descriptions sound like a good fit for you. It's just as important to figure out if you can deal with the downsides of a job as it is to figure out what you'd love about a job.
Darin’s Answer
Hello Shantrell, your still in High School so you still have plenty of time to discover yourself and your place so don't sweat it too much. In my opinion though sit down and make a list of stuff your good at or what your interested in learning and then a list of some possible jobs with those interests. Then write down some pros and cons and what you want out of it, the schooling that may be required, maybe some dream companies you would like to work with, where you see yourself in that field in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years. beyond that. Wishing you all the best
christine’s Answer
Hi Shantrell-
There is a book that you might find helpful - What Color is your Parachute for Teens by Richard Nelson Bolles. You can probably find it at your public library. If you look in the careers section of the library you might find films or books about different careers. You do have lots of time to decide so that's good. I did not figure out what I wanted to do till I was a sophomore in College. I tried out a few other jobs before I settled into my career and it was good to explore other fields. Good luck!
There is a book that you might find helpful - What Color is your Parachute for Teens by Richard Nelson Bolles. You can probably find it at your public library. If you look in the careers section of the library you might find films or books about different careers. You do have lots of time to decide so that's good. I did not figure out what I wanted to do till I was a sophomore in College. I tried out a few other jobs before I settled into my career and it was good to explore other fields. Good luck!