4 answers
MUSTAFA’s Answer
I'd learn the following topics to get a good start on a Software Engineering Role:
- Data Structures and Algorithms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92S4zgXN17o&list=PL2_aWCzGMAwI3W_JlcBbtYTwiQSsOTa6P
- Side Projects ... do plenty of 'em as it will give you good things to put in your resume as you seek for jobs
Gajanan’s Answer
Earn a degree in software engineering or a related field: Most software engineer positions require a bachelor's degree. Majoring in software engineering will provide the most useful background for designing and perfecting software in the corporate world. Computer science is another good choice, although its more theoretical approach is best suited for future graduate students and R&D work.
It is possible to get hired with an associate's degree or even with nothing but self-taught experience. However, these opportunities are generally low-level programming jobs, even if the employer bills it as "software engineer."
Samar’s Answer
Kyle’s Answer
The most straightforward path to becoming a Software Engineer is to earn a degree in Software Engineering/Computer Science. Most major Colleges and Universities offer a degree in Software Engineering and companies are always looking for newly graduated students to come and work for them!
There are also a number of Coding Bootcamps available that are accelerated programs which teach you the basics of how to be a software engineer. Many of these also offer a guarantee job offer upon completing the program!
You can also learn on your own! I have worked with many great people who are self taught Software Engineers. Finding a job at first may be a little more difficult but once you are able to get your foot in the door and show what a great engineer you are then the sky is the limit.
For all paths it is important to be a life long learner. Always looking to improve yourself as a Software Engineer throughout your career!