Where can I get a good chances to learn more tech about the C++ ?
I'm a college student, my major is Internet and Information Technology. Bc I want to be a gaming designer or development That's why I really want to have more experience in C++ area.
But my school only have one C++ classes for my major to get the degree.
there are other two C++ classes in my college, but I can not get any credit. Should I take the classes ,or find other C++ courses on the internet or any other place(New York city)?
Have some reasons I am inconvenient to transfer my college, but if you have a really good recommendation . I will take it .
thank you for read my question ,Sincerely. #information-technology
4 answers
Chandrasekar’s Answer
I would recommend you take online courses offered by MIT and Harward. They are awesome.
Since you are interested in gaming I thought you may be interested in Scratch offered by MIT.
Enjoy gaming!!!!
Joseph’s Answer

Shawn Lloyd
Shawn’s Answer
Udemy has great online courses for all programming languages including C++. Certain times each month, they offer you a chance to buy the paid courses at 75 to 85% off.
Here's a link to one of the free tutorials:
Philip’s Answer
I would check out https://www.sololearn.com/Course/CPlusPlus/