Should I do theater or something more stable?
I am a Freshmen and I am starting to think about what I want to major in. I love to do musical theater and want to major in it, but I know that it is very competitive, so I am worried that I am not talented enough. Also, it's not the most stable career path, so should I do something more profitable and secure instead? #theater #musicaltheater #theatre #preformingarts #career-paths
4 answers
Brian’s Answer
This is the age old question and one I discussed with my own son not that long ago. He was torturing himself because he was afraid he would make the wrong decision. Should he study space science or be a musical theater major? What if he chose wrong? What if he wasn't happy with his choice. Let me tell you what I told him. You CAN'T choose wrong. There is no one right path through life for anyone. So, choose what feels right to you, but do it with all the information you need and be aware of what tradeoffs you are making. That's a lot of concepts in a small space, so I'll expand. :)
First, many people did not accomplish what they were remembered for until much later in their lives and only after changing careers. Brian May, guitarist of Queen is also a renowned rocket scientist. Harrison Ford was a carpenter for 15 years and was building sound stages for George Lucas before his big break. John Grisham was a lawyer. Julia child wasn't a well-known chef until after 50. You get the idea. So, get this notion out of your head that whatever you pick now is your life forever.
Now that we have that out of the way, we need to talk about tradeoffs. The big one is opportunity cost. You are at a stage in your life where anything is possible and the most means of assistance are open to ease you on your way. So if you choose A over B now and decide to change later, you can still do it, it will just be a little harder. To honestly assess the opportunity cost, you need to know what the other options are. You are just talking about "something more marketable". This tells me you don't have anything and are just giving in to fear and doubt voices. Maybe they are internal and maybe they are external. See if you can compile a list of other majors that you are actually excited about and what the end goals should be. What careers could you end up in? Will they make you happy? If the answer is no, then the cost is not worth the tradeoff. If you fail at acting, you can always go back to something "safe" or minor in Business or Communications to give yourself a safety net.
The next one is about money and lifestyle. Look at best and worst cases for being a professional artist. Could you live with not making it big, but being on the regional circuit? Being a drama teacher? Going into technical theater? Washing out completely and using the skills you've learned to do something like sales or marketing and making theater your hobby? They are all possible end states. If you can be happy at the lower ends of the professional actor financial spectrum, then it is still a viable path for you. If you are okay living in one of the less traveled areas, like being part of the house company for a big theater in Atlanta, you can still make a living. If you need the glam and glitz of Hollywood or Broadway to be happy, though, then you may want to reconsider.
The other big one is support. Do you have scholarships or financial backing right now for only one of the paths. Will you lose that backing if you come back to it later. In my son's case, he had hefty tech scholarships and would have had to take a gap year to pick a different school for the arts. He would have needed to apply for different scholarships and would have lost the ones he had. That cost was too high for him, so he majored in science and minored in music.
Once you've decided, believe in yourself and go after what you know in your heart will make you happy. Read books like "You are a Badass" to motivate yourself. Have faith in yourself and shed negative influences. Look for opportunities to network in your chose field, but also any opportunity to acquire new skills that will allow you to grow. And just prepare yourself mentally for a long road. Most people don't succeed overnight, but people who have a clear definition and vision of success and who persevere do eventually succeed.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Brian recommends the following next steps:
Atul’s Answer
It is like people aiming for a professional athlete job in NBA, NFL, and others where many have done well in College but hardly make it in these leagues.
I suggest keep Theater as your passion, but get a 4-year degree in business such as Marketing, if you have people skills, you will do well. This is not the only path you can take but it is one of them.
Know your strengths, is it writing (are you good in English), is it Math (try engineering), or any other subject that you are passionate about.
I tell my children "if you enjoy what you do, you will never ever work in your life".
Find your passion and go for it. But remember, find something that you can put food on the table. You do not want to rely on your parents in their golden years.
All the best.
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