4 answers
4 answers
Carrie Kennedy
I manage a team of underwriters who write insurance policies for corporations
Carrie’s Answer
Absolutely!! In fact, one of my favorite instagram-ers is both a doctor and an artist. His name is Mike Natter. He does amazing illustrations of the body and during COVID, he has used his art to share how difficult it is being a doctor in the ER in NYC.
Dan’s Answer
Many doctors have hobbies outside of medicine. They are normal people just like you.
Yasemin’s Answer
Hi Ms.Hill! I definitely think so! There's also art therapy that can be combined with medicine as well to help patients. In medical school drawing is important, especially the anatomy and having a skill for art will help tremendously! What a terrific duo!
Mary Jane’s Answer
Greetings, Ms. Hill! My daughter attended ICS for kindergarten!
In addition to what others have mentioned, there are fields called "medical humanities" and "medical illustration" which combine aspects of art and medicine.
This article about a physician I know who is also a sculptor: https://www.knox.edu/news/sculpture-honors-50th-anniversary-of-able
In addition to what others have mentioned, there are fields called "medical humanities" and "medical illustration" which combine aspects of art and medicine.
This article about a physician I know who is also a sculptor: https://www.knox.edu/news/sculpture-honors-50th-anniversary-of-able