Is it better to have internship or part time Job ?
I am a high school student in my junior year I am looking for internships,but I am also thinking about getting a part time job.
I'm just curious if having an internship is better than having a part time job? #jobs #internship #life
6 answers

Ryan Bonaparte
Ryan’s Answer
Both are very good options, though I would lean more towards in an internship for two reasons. The first is that an internship will generally be in a field that you're interested in. While they may not always pay well and you might be stuck making copies, you'll have access to watch and learn about what the day to day in your career might look like and some of the major people involved. That can be enough to let you know whether you'd like to work in that industry before you spend four years in college, if that's your plan.
The second reason is that internships might also look better on your college application, especially if you're applying to a program that a lot of people are looking to get into. It'll show that you have more than just a fleeting interest and that you're serious about pursuing it.
However, internships may not pay that much, if at all. So if finances are a big consideration, you would have to take that into account.
Good luck!
Preeti’s Answer
Aishwarya’s Answer
Lalitha’s Answer
Since you are in high school, a part time job may be a better idea. It will teach you to interact with customers, manage money, be responsible, teach you great time management and communications skill sets. But make sure that your school work does not suffer due to the part time job. Good luck!
Simeon’s Answer

Carla Luciano
Carla’s Answer
I think both are great options for a junior in high school. If you are applying to college and know what type of study you want to focus on, an internship can create a lot of great connections and opportunities for you. There are paid and unpaid internships and if you are lucky enough to get a paid internship, that is a double bonus! If you are not applying to college after high school and going to enter the workforce, an internship would be a great jump start to gaining work experience. I have heard many times there is such great difficulty for those coming out of school looking for their first job because companies all want "experience". How can you have experience if you are just getting out of school, right?
Juniors in high school in many cases are focusing on applying to college and figuring out what their field of study is going to be so part-time work might be a better option just due to the amount of work and research needed to look for schools where you will apply. I think it all depends on whether or not you have an idea of what you might be studying. Either one (internship or part-time work) can be great (whether it's college or work after high school) resume builders. Good luck and hope that you find something you love! That is the biggest piece!
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