Arisleily ’s Career Goals
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What advice would you give to a student interested in medical field?
I'm interested with working with people one on one and being able to do things rather than just sit at one place. #career #nurse #advice

Can anyone tell me about their experience of living in college's dorms what did you take away from this experience?
I am curious about the different experiences in living inside a college's dorm. #college #experience #life

Is it better to have internship or part time Job ?
I am a high school student in my junior year I am looking for internships,but I am also thinking about getting a part time job.
I'm just curious if having an internship is better than having a part time job? #jobs #internship #life

Is it better to go straight to a University or Community College ?
I always hear it is better going straight to a University than a Community College how come? #education #career-paths #life

New jobs that did't exist before
I am a student in my junior year I'm just curious in different careers.
I wanted to know if there were any jobs you currently work did not exist during your high school year? #career #jobs #life