2 answers
How would I go about starting an Explorers Post with my local Law Enforcement Agency? What should I propose to them when meeting with them?
I am attepting to establish an Explorers Post with my local Law Enforcement Agency in Pennsylvania.
#explorers #explorerspost #policeexplorers #publicsafety #police
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2 answers
Bryant’s Answer
When looking at going into Law Enforcement ask
1. Should I go to an academy or into higher education?
2. What are some specialization or roles should a person look into?
3. What is the salary and benefits for starting out?
1. Should I go to an academy or into higher education?
2. What are some specialization or roles should a person look into?
3. What is the salary and benefits for starting out?
Kim’s Answer
Proposing any new program can be a daunting task, so I commend you for wanting to try!
You may want to find another nearby community that has a Law Enforcement Explorer post, and see if their leadership would be able to help you out.
You want to think about the pro's and the con's. People who don't want to grant your proposal would be quick to shoot it down, and, you need to be able to overcome their objections. Some of these would be:
1. It's taking officers away from patrol.
2. Program costs
3. It's too dangerous in this day and age to have students be around officers, because officers are targets, and the students could get hurt.
4. Not enough students would be interested
The more you can anticipate how the naysayers will think, the better prepared you will be to put forth your proposal! Again, I think you will need the support of another agency to get this going. You may think about circulating a "letter of interest" among your peers to get student support. Just put a little info at the top, such as "We the undersigned students hereby express our interest in joining a Police Explorer Post in the City of Scranton." Then have lines for signature, printed name, address, phone number. If you have the numbers on your side, it defeats argument #4, above.
As to danger, I'm sure students would need parental approval, and there'd be a waiver of liability. In fact, I just Googled Police Explorer Post Waiver Form, and found an entire application packet! See this link: https://www.edmondok.com/DocumentCenter/View/2327/explorer-application?bidId=
I don't have any info to help with 1&2, but would counter with the fact that it builds community relations, creates interest in the law enforcement profession, etc.
Please don't take this as discouragement, because I admire your ambition! Keep doing your research, get it all together, and, then present it. If possible, it would be nice to get a city councilmember to bring it up - that is, even though it's your idea and you are putting it all together, sometimes you need to hand all that off to somebody else to get it to move along. In such a case, you might not even get the credit, but, which is more important - recognition or getting it done? Find the councilmember who is big on community relations, teens, etc.
Hey, I just looked at the Scranton PD website. They say they have a "Junior Police Academy." It started in 2017. Do you know if they are still doing that? If yes, have you participated in it? Perhaps doing that would help you to start "networking" - building the connections you need. You can ask if the idea has been considered before, and why there is no Explorer Post, etc.
Again, I admire your ambition!
Proposing any new program can be a daunting task, so I commend you for wanting to try!
You may want to find another nearby community that has a Law Enforcement Explorer post, and see if their leadership would be able to help you out.
You want to think about the pro's and the con's. People who don't want to grant your proposal would be quick to shoot it down, and, you need to be able to overcome their objections. Some of these would be:
1. It's taking officers away from patrol.
2. Program costs
3. It's too dangerous in this day and age to have students be around officers, because officers are targets, and the students could get hurt.
4. Not enough students would be interested
The more you can anticipate how the naysayers will think, the better prepared you will be to put forth your proposal! Again, I think you will need the support of another agency to get this going. You may think about circulating a "letter of interest" among your peers to get student support. Just put a little info at the top, such as "We the undersigned students hereby express our interest in joining a Police Explorer Post in the City of Scranton." Then have lines for signature, printed name, address, phone number. If you have the numbers on your side, it defeats argument #4, above.
As to danger, I'm sure students would need parental approval, and there'd be a waiver of liability. In fact, I just Googled Police Explorer Post Waiver Form, and found an entire application packet! See this link: https://www.edmondok.com/DocumentCenter/View/2327/explorer-application?bidId=
I don't have any info to help with 1&2, but would counter with the fact that it builds community relations, creates interest in the law enforcement profession, etc.
Please don't take this as discouragement, because I admire your ambition! Keep doing your research, get it all together, and, then present it. If possible, it would be nice to get a city councilmember to bring it up - that is, even though it's your idea and you are putting it all together, sometimes you need to hand all that off to somebody else to get it to move along. In such a case, you might not even get the credit, but, which is more important - recognition or getting it done? Find the councilmember who is big on community relations, teens, etc.
Hey, I just looked at the Scranton PD website. They say they have a "Junior Police Academy." It started in 2017. Do you know if they are still doing that? If yes, have you participated in it? Perhaps doing that would help you to start "networking" - building the connections you need. You can ask if the idea has been considered before, and why there is no Explorer Post, etc.
Again, I admire your ambition!
Thank you!