[closed] How has a management job affected your lifestyle?
I am a business senior in college with some academic knowledge of sales, accounting, marketing, and management. I have an interest in administration, and a focus in marketing. I realize that in order to obtain a dream career, that someone must think smart and wise about how the career will affect him or her on a fundamental level. As a result, a dream career can be obtainable. I hope that with the right lifestyle i can be a manager.
For someone who has been a manager: "How has this affected your lifestyle?" "How has your position affected your thinking and your beliefs?"
Thank you for your input. #business #management #administration
1 answer
Andrea E’s Answer
Hi. Once you become a manager, your job becomes larger than yourself. Your decisions can affect those who work for you, so it makes you more thoughtful. You may take less risk since the results could adversely affect those who work for you. You learn to communicate more, and you become more sensitive to the fact that you are providing clear direction.
Before you become a manager, you are only concerned with your own career, as you work towards improving your own position. When you are a manager, if you are a good manager, you want everyone who works for you be succeed. Ultimately, you want to groom someone to replace you so that you can move on. That entails changing the way your approach the work. It involves mentoring and teaching those who work for you. It often involves dealing with their personal issues so that they can continue to perform.
All of the aspects of being a manager changes your lifestyle for the better. You may work longer hours because you're spending more time managing your team, but it's ultimately very satisfying when you see everyone succeed and flourish under your management.