[closed] What are a couple of presentation software programes used in offices?
My name is Aimee and I am a business major. I have an interest in administration and a passion for working in office management. I would like to ask how I can apply software programs to learning more about management. For example, what are different software packages that are less on the popular side? Microsoft Office and Outlook is popular. The knowledge I have is limited to using powerpoints.
Thanks. #computer-software #business-administration #office-management
2 answers
Deepesh’s Answer
Hi Aimee,
Along with the usage of outlook, there are multiple internal organisational softwares like- EWFM (employee workforce management) which helps in scheduling & forecasting based on the past trend, CMS- to track customer information etc...
Would also be good if you could explore excel (spreadsheet) & it's basic formulas as it's widely used in solving or analysing a problem statement. If your interest is towards office management, would encourage you to learn excel. It's very easy & would help us save a lot of time. Another important software to learn would be Tally for administrative role, I don't have any experience in Tally, Hence would suggest to check with a tally expert.
Wishing you all the very best Aimee !
Moe’s Answer
Many tools are used in a typical business setting in the modern workplace.
1. email - often this is MS Outlook, or a web-based mail solution. Often these may integrate with a business phone. So a voicemail will show up transcribed in the inbox.
2. calendar/appointment management - usually tied to the email solution.
3. Office suites include software for at least: slides, word processing, spreadsheets: example: Microsoft office suite (powerpoint, word, excel) -- there are also some open source and web-based alternatives like staroffice, openoffice and google docs.
4. Collaboration: Organizations may elect to use an internal wiki, MS sharepoint, or some other software for collaboration. Also for collaboration - with many workplaces including remote office workers nowadays, web, tele, and video conferencing technologies including software are gaining traction. While working on a project, you may find yourself collaborating with co-workers across the country or the globe! In these situations, different organizations handle dissemination of information, sharing of ideas, project planning, decision making, and communication and collaboration in myriad different ways. To make things more interesting there will often be departmental, project team, and individual preferences which play into this as well!
Aside from these common applications, organizations will typically operating applications pertaining to their vertical and then make available specific applications to employees based on business function.
For example an auto dealer may have an automotive specific application most of the organization uses to track inventory, pricing, and customers. However a finance specific module may be available to the finance and business team whereas a service management module may be available to the folks working as service advisors or mechanics.. There are thousands of software solutions available depending on the business and job function..
It is important to bear in mind that on one hand there are the mechanics of using software - often this can be picked up w/ some training and tenure - most software vendors try to make their products intuitive otherwise another vendor will usurp them and gain popularity; on the other hand, often harder, and more important are the unwritten rules pertaining to how an organization uses technology. For example, a company may elect to disseminate important financial information over a teleconference, another may do this via email, yet another may hold a face to face meeting - learning these soft-levers and finding ways to get things done withing the established framework of your organization while identifying potential improvements and communicating these when appropriate to the right parties can help make you a strong contributor.
If you are interested in being well versed in some areas - I will echo Deepesh's comments - it doesn't hurt to be polished in excel - especially if you want to be in a role with financial or statistical leanings.
Take care!