[closed] Do office managers get the privilege of checking tills and other secure information to maintain secuirty in a business?
My name is Aimee and I am a business major with an interest in adminstration and a major of management. I love to learn more about managing others and tasks in an efficient manner. Can managers have the authority to audit others and perform security related tasks? I am curious and my classes have not gone over this yet.
Thank you. #management #business-administration #office-management #security #auditing
2 answers
Leah’s Answer
Hi Aimee,
An office manager's responsibilities can vary from place to place and will probably depend on the size of the office/business - some might include ordering supplies and administering the security of office visitors, while others might be assisting teams with scheduling events or travel plans, and still others could manage the mail and marketing materials that go out to customers while overseeing a group of interns. If you're interested in auditing and business security, you might like auditing as a profession. There are often many positions open at public accounting firms for recently graduated college students. These entry level audit positions are responsible for understanding a business process from end to end and identifying and testing controls (security) to ensure the business finances are correct. There are many opportunities to learn and provide efficiency and effectiveness guidance to the companies you audit. As you gain more experience, you'll often be put in management roles to guide new staff.
Anup’s Answer
Keeping sensitive information secure from theft and vulnerability in today's digital world isn’t as easy as putting a lock on the file cabinet - especially with the widespread adoption of cloud computing. And even if you take every precaution with your online accounts and identifying information, there are many ways that information can land in another individual or company’s data management systems, where it can then somehow be made vulnerable to date theft or data leakage.
At Digital Guardian we specialize in helping businesses manage and secure various types of company data. Our top priority is helping our customers keep their sensitive data where it belongs and as secure as possible. To get a better picture of the current state of enterprise data protection and data loss prevention we interviewed data security experts on what matters most when securing sensitive data.