[closed] How can you help to ensure that an office management speech is handled properly when certain things are handled properly?
My name is Aimee and I am a business senior major with an interest in business administration and a major of management. I love to learn more about my passion of leading others to ensure that they are doing something that they love and can get paid for doing it. I would love to contribute my passion, vibrant personality, and know-how to help lead others in the process. When a speech is handled properly, it is often said that someone is a pro because they can pick back up and keep on going despite a couple of mistakes. Simply put, they do not let much hurt them or keep them falling behind. In addition, a leader knows to plan for when people do not pay attention and fall asleep. Are there any other tips that someone can give to ensure that he or she can communicate an idea effectively?
Does anyone else have any other ideas to collaborate with me? #business-administration #business-management #leadership #office-management
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