2 answers
What supplies should i have to attend marketing school?
#school #schools #Supplies
2 answers
Ethan’s Answer
Hey Nicholas! I'm not sure if there is any marketing school, but you definitely can major in marketing in college. I don't specifically study marketing myself, but I study a form of marketing in strategic communications, and what both areas of study do have in common is the idea of being persuasive. In terms of materials you would need, I recommend a computer of course, and then the textbooks that the courses you take that will be required. I will also encourage you to take courses in art/graphic design and psychology as well, as those are two subjects that can enhance your skills in marketing. That is what I recommend to really become a STAR in marketing.
alice’s Answer
Hi! The most important thing you ould need is a computer and then your course will tell you what you need. Books about marketing might be helpful to learn about it before going to college.
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