Can a person with a Bachelors Degree counsel others?
Up coming Social Work student. #college #social-work
4 answers

Tamara Smith, M.S., CPLC
Tamara’s Answer
Hi Theodore,
In general, a Bachelor's degree does not meet the educational requirements to become a counselor. You should first decide what type of counselor you would like to be. Once that is determined, you can alter you college program to fit that. Most often to become a counselor you will need a Master's degree at minimum, and certain certifications. A degree in social work can certainly be a way in, but I would focus more on areas in Psychology or addictions for counseling. Here's a link to a website that should fully answer your question. I hope this helps! Good luck!!
Kim’s Answer
I honestly have no clue what would constitute "unauthorized practice of counseling, " if there even is such a thing! We all know it requires special skills to deal with things like substance abuse and sexual assault.
But, when it comes to everyday life, there are all sorts of people "doing counseling." As a cop for 25 years, I had a lot of heart-to-heart motivational discussions with people. Teachers do it all the time, such as helping people to develop coping skills, learn to share, etc. Now working in a workforce center, I continue to do it, even though that is not my job title. The challenge is in figuring out what people need to hear, and how to present it in a way that they will be receptive to what you have to say. I have a certain gift at doing this. However, you have to be careful that you don't do something counter-productive. Only a trained expert can really tell the difference between depression and someone who's just feeling a little sorry for themselves. Dealing with potentially life-threatening mental illness issues is serious business.
If you really want to get into counseling, you should have plans to pursue a Master's degree. Besides, the regular social services, with just a Bachelors degree, often does not pay very well.
Yandira’s Answer
If you are referring to professionally, it is hard since many agencies do require a masters for ongoing. However this said there are entry level positions (sometimes referred to as supportive counseling) which it is possible with the right supervision.
Annie’s Answer
What kind of counseling are you referring to? As a professional you mean?