2 answers
If you major in Forensic Science, what are some career paths you can take?
I would like to know how much flexibility, career-wise, I have with this major. It is really interesting and I would really like to pursue it, but I don't really know about what comes afterwards. #science #forensic
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2 answers
Rupam’s Answer
Jobs directly related to your degree include:
Analytical chemist
Biomedical scientist
Forensic scientist
Scientific laboratory technician
Teaching laboratory technician
Ryan’s Answer
For anyone out there still looking for answers to this question, I recommend contacting a school that has a forensic science program and asking them. Universities are often glad to hear of young people who have some interest in their program. A school like University of Central Oklahoma has a great program, look up the details of their program and find the phone number of someone in that program you can call. For instance, when you arrive at the website for UCO's program, you can click "Faculty and Staff." From there, listed under "Staff," are links to two individuals who are academic advisors specifically for the Forensic Science program. Both individuals have their email address and phone numbers listed. Get in touch with one of them, tell them you are interested in studying FS at their school and that you're looking for information on career opportunities.